Rising cortisol levels due to increasing stress rates are giving me a headache at the library. But
1. A cute old man is sitting across from me and reading the paper. Looking at him makes me smile.
2. When washing my hands in the bathroom, a little girl ran up to me and told me she found a lady bug. I told her she was really lucky because lady bugs are lucky! (It's true!)
3. The sun is shining.
Perspective: God is good no matter what I feel, think, or do.
Random Tangent: The quality of toilet paper reveals a lot about the establishment. When soft, plush toilet paper is provided, it says that the establishment cares enough to think of others rather than penny pinching. Also, the way a bathroom is constructed makes a huge difference on cleanliness. More on this later. I wonder if they have bathroom consultants because I could be one. Squirrel!