Growing up in a traditional Asian home, my parents didn't paint a pretty picture of beggars. If I was bad, they would threaten to throw me out into the streets for the beggars to get me. As a 5-year old, I had no concept of what a beggar was but how they spoke of them made me think they were monsters. Dirty monsters that people looked upon with disdain. As I grew older and got to see them on the streets myself, little changed. My parents also yelled at me for giving them money saying that all of them would follow me around begging for more. I was too compassionate. Even now, I am conflicted when I see beggars because I want to help but I've been drilled not to. What's right? What's wrong? What's safe?
I've been reading through John slowly, ever so slowly, and it paints a different picture of beggars. The people are still the same-- they look upon them with disdain. But Jesus. He doesn't. In John 9, it talks about the healing of a man born blind, not in vain, but to give God the glory when he is healed. Nothing is in vain if it gives God glory (v.3). He was born blind and the only way he can make a living or survive when his parents cannot take him in anymore is to beg. And now here are some interesting things.
When the blind beggar could not go about, he
sat; if we cannot
work for God, we must
sit still quietly for him. When he could not work, he
begged. Matthew Henry says that we must never be
ashamed to beg. There is nothing for man to be ashamed of except his sin.Why this man? Why was he chosen?
(1.) The common beggar was generally known by the community around him who saw him day in and day out. His healing would attest even more the truth of Jesus being the Son of God as well as His compassion. The community who had known him for so long would also testify that this was the same man who was born blind against the Jews who wanted to prove otherwise (v.10, 13, 18).
(2.) Healing this man spoke of Christ's compassion. He healed those most wrought by poverty and misery, not by their riches or dignity. It is easier to save those who know their need for salvation than for those who believe they are find without it.
So now, does this change your view of beggars? Of Christ?
Thankfulness of the day: That He uses the weak to show He is strong.