October 14, 2009

Catching Kisses.

Weakness: Little, Latino boys
They are absolutely open with their affections.

So I've worked at the preschool for over a year now. In this time span, I have seen one of my favorites, Santi, advance from my 2-year old class to the 3-year old class. He's in the big yard now, which is separated from our toddler yard by a wooden barrier disguised with bushes and flowers on top. [This fools no one!]

I hadn't seen Santi in a couple months, but his class came into the adjacent yard to play today!

"Miss Stephanie!" He called. He can't pronounce my name, but that's ok because I love him.

"Hi Santi!" We meet at the barrier, him on his side and me on mine. "I'm going to give you a kiss, ok?" It's true, I kiss children on the cheeks because I cannot help it when my heart overflows. The barrier keeps us apart so I just kiss my hand and give him an invisible high five.

"I'm going to catch it!" He makes a swatting gesture and hits himself in the forehead. He then kisses his hand and blows a kiss to me. Wow. It had never crossed my mind that kisses can be blown and this gesture melts my heart. This is too cute and I'm way too easy.

As the scene dissipates and as I sit here now, what I am most touched by is that love has no bounds. Physical barriers cannot stop the expression of love. Time, too, as he hadn't seen me in a couple months and 3 year olds have short memories. But doesn't this speak so much more of our God whose love has no bounds and whose memory never fades? And who loves us in spite of our ugliest, most hateful parts? So today, I am thankful for little latino boys who remind me of God's love.

Also, a little girl picked a flower for me (even though she's not allowed to). Melt my heart! It's really the simple gestures that make a big difference.

Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8

October 1, 2009

With Ink the Ocean Fill.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
and were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
and every man a scribe by trade;
To write of the love of God above
would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could a scroll contain the whole,
tho' stretched from sky to sky.
-Frederick Lehman

Welcome, October!
A season of contemplation.