January 10, 2010

A Beautiful Mess.

This weekend, I attempted to make lasagna for my family.

Growing up, my family ate rice every night. EVERY night. No pizza, no spaghetti, no bread. So, when my mom told me about the busy schedule, I volunteered to make dinner.

All messy and gross-looking, I pull an oversized UCD sweatshirt and exercise pants and forget about what fellow shoppers will think. To the grocery store I went! One of my favorite things is walking up and down the grocery aisles with my cart. Pushing at grandma pace, I look at many things. I take too long trying to decide what to buy because my frugality battles with quality products. I smile at little old ladies and reject the free samples because, really now, I don't care too much for free jam samples. Costco samples, on the other hand...

Back in my kitchen, I toss anything I want into the lasagna. That was probably my first mistake. Onions, peas, arugula, bell peppers and lots and lots of cheese. Layer upon layer, I beam at my own ignorance and pat myself on the back for my supposed creativity. Genius, too.

Well, my lasagna didn't turn out as beautifully as I'd hope. The layers didn't stick together and the top layer was crunchy like chips. I had to use a sharp knife to cut the top layer and then a ladle to scoop the servings. Fail! But, my brother said, "At least it tastes like what it's supposed to look like" and that was good enough for me! A beautiful mess. Or maybe you just can't go wrong with lots of cheese.

I love my family. We are a beautiful, wacky mess, too.

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