January 27, 2010

Boys and farts.

I recently started babysitting for my classmate’s two boys so that she could attend classes. Watching these boys has been a joy and I often find myself laughing. The older brother, P, is the picture of an oldest child. He proclaims all the rules loudly and commands his younger brother, C, to obey them. Also characteristic of a youngest sibling, C follows his brother around but is also a loving goofball. For example, C has a unique inability to simply sit on his bottom. Rather, he sits on spleeled knees looking much like how a frog gone wrong would sit. (Spleeled is a word I made up. It’s a combination of split and kneeled.)

Putting out dinner, helping them on homework, playing with them and tucking them into bed leaves me feeling like a second mother. When March comes, I’ll be driving them to baseball practices and I know I’ll be the one standing on the sidelines yelling their names loudly and being embarrassing. Also holding onto whatever gear they want me to hold. Sometimes, it makes me wonder if this is just good preparation for what is to come one day.

I’ve babysat many families, but two boys are definitely different from two girls or even one of each! For example, here’s a conversation we had at the dinner table today. I probably shouldn’t have allowed it since we were eating. It started innocently enough with me asking what their least favorite vegetables were.

Bro 1: Tomatoes are your foe!

Bro 2: What’s foe?

Me: Are you talking about foe, f-o-e?

Bro 2: It’s your enemy!

Me: Your arch nemesis! Bro 1, what’s YOUR foe?

Bro 1: hmm, I’m not sure.

Bro 2: My farts!

Bro 1: Arghhh, the green bubbles!

Me: You call his farts the green bubble? Are they really green?!

Bro 2: Yup! [very proud]

Bro 1: Yes! Bro 2’s farts are my foe!!!

Bro 2 then gets out of his seat, runs to Bro 1 and starts smelling his butt. This is when I intervene and pull Bro 2 away. Strange habits these boys have. Are all boys like this? On a more positive note, this was a great way for them to learn a new vocabulary word—foe!

Yesterday, they taught me to play Wii games with them. Today, we watched clips of Dragonball Z. What’s funny is that I’ve babysat for another pair of brothers, age 4 and 2, who also asked me to play Wii with them. How sad children know how to operate these systems at such a young age! Also, I am grandma status when it comes to technology. But back to my point, taking care of these two boys has allowed me the privilege of entering the world of boys in a whole new way. [Note: I also have two younger brothers who I played Nintendo and sports with, but I don’t think our conversations were ever like that…]

One of my favorite times is putting them to bed! I sit in bed with them and read them stories and then they ask me to sing them songs and we giggle like little children. Come to think of it, we still are. And when lights are out, the younger brother will crawl into his older brother's bed. I still hear them talking to each other in the dark about farts. Brotherhood. Love it.


Alwin said...

There were a lot of words so i skipped to the entertaining conversation in the middle.

and i thought u were talking about your own two brothers.

mike said...

haha my bro and i were kinda like that... i remember i would make up stupid songs about my bro's butt smelling bad...

miyako said...

I don't quite have the words to describe how I feel...intrigued and delighted. Baby sitting them sounds like such an adventure and I'm sure you're wonderful with them! They are very lucky.