September 7, 2011

I Love You.

Today, I went to a child development center to assess one of the kid's speech/language development. As I was walking there, harried after getting lost, a group of six preschoolers walked past me. They were not in a straight line, but in their own disarrayed order which was oddly comforting for a person who tends to like order and efficiency. Maybe it was because they were connected by hand holding and goofy smiles. Anyway, as I was walking past, one of the little boys looked me in the eye and yelled, "I love you!". You know what happened next? All the little kids started yelling that.

"I love you!"
"I love you!"
"I love you!"

And just like that, all the frustration from the morning's traffic and lostliness and being an adult melted away. Later in the shower, where I have my deepest thoughts, I doubted the significance. They don't really love me. They don't know me. But the amazing thing about children is that they can! Those kids probably don't really love me, but they are quite capable of loving without a care to who you are, how much you make, or what you look like. So you know what is even better? When someone loves you despite all your faults or inadequacies to meet the world's standard.

Jesus loves me,
this I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) How encouraging... Jesus loves me.