November 23, 2008


My father can be a man of many words, but not around us. I think children grow up with a need to hear words of love and praise from their parents. For first-generation Asian families, however, these are not often heard. In turn, the lack of verbal approval has affected our relationship with and perception of our father.

This weekend, God has pleasantly opened my eyes to the little ways my father shows me love. Without telling me, my dad cleaned my car windows and pumped my tires for me. It really touches me to think of my father willingly doing these things for my safety, but also for love. He loves me so that he does not need to tell me. It's not for praise or adoration, but really just because he wants to. And so, I think about what a man is like when he is unseen or unnoticed. What does he do when he is by himself? What is in his heart and in his mind? Are those things worthy and do they reveal a heart of integrity?

And I wonder, am I showing my father love in a way that he can perceive it?

Teach my soul to pray.

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